Renters vs. no renters… which route is best?

Hope you had a nice weekend, thanks for coming back 😊 We wanted to talk to you about something that often gets mixed up or misunderstood. And that is renters insurance. Since we have been posting claims stories recently on Facebook, now seemed like a good time to visit renters insurance with you. Hopefully, if you are a renter you have it, if you don’t, please keep reading.

We reached out to friends, family and even strangers to see why they don’t carry renters insurance, and after we stepped down from our soap box and ranting of why they need it, we reflected on their feedback. Here are some of the reasons we heard…

  • It’s an extra expense they don’t want to think about
  • It’s an extra expense they cannot afford right now
  • It didn’t even cross their mind
  • They don’t have that much stuff anyway
  • Their stuff isn’t that nice to begin with

What many people do not know is that your landlord is not responsible for your belongings. You read that correctly, they are not responsible. It is up to you to cover yourself. There’s a fire? Not the landlord’s problem if your new couch is torched. Robbery? Not the landlord’s problem if that iPad from Christmas is stolen. Power outage? Not your landlord’s problem if your food spoils. It’s pretty straight forward.

Those points from above, probably don’t seem so strong now. Extra expenses are just annoying, we get that. What if we told you that your renters policy can usually pay for itself with the discount it applies to your auto policy? You can have coverage for your belongings without having to pay extra. That takes away having to worry about an additional expense. Even more importantly, it takes away the additional expenses of having to buy back everything you own if there is fire in your apartment. Now that extra expense would be annoying.

You may think you don’t have much, but go through your place room by room and make note of what is in there and how much each item costs. We’re talking from the couch, and the poster on the wall, to the measuring spoon in the drawer. Little by little those items add up, and without proper coverage you won’t have any help rebuilding yourself. Remember, it’s up to you.

We know what you need and we know how to help. If you are a renter call us today, let us help take the guess work out of it and give you the protection you deserve. 716-204-8728. Hope to talk soon, thanks for reading!

The Blog Begins

Find out why we started a blog… about insurance.

Hello there! Whether you’re a current client, potential client, or just someone scrolling through Facebook wondering what it is we’re posting about… thanks for reading! Starting this blog has been an idea of ours for a little while now and we thought the new year would be a great time to bring that idea to life. 

We are excited to share with you our riveting, fast paced, intense, exciting drama filled life of insurance. Kidding, we all know insurance is actually kind of boring, but I can promise you this blog won’t be.

I bet you’re wondering, why would anyone create a blog about insurance? Great question, we’re still trying to figure that out too…

In all seriousness, we were trying to think of a way to convey who we are as an agency with meaningful content that will show you how genuine we are about our products, and mission to properly insure you. Properly protecting families and individuals is a passion we take seriously. We know that’s what sets us apart, we just need a chance to show you.

As always, thank you for your continued support with everything and as we launch this blog. Can’t wait to see what it brings! Stay tuned…

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